Friday, September 24, 2010

30A. Hide your husband

Hello there. I am currently blogging from work. I had started a wonderful blog last weekend, but it's being held hostage on Patrick's laptop.

I am going to say that this has been a really long week. I can't say it's been a bad week; nothing horrible happened. But it's been that week in the school semester when you hit the "academic wall". Assignment due dates are approaching, labs every week, mid-terms in a couple weeks. It's easy to get overwhelmed as it is, without being the complete stress case that I am already.

Yup. Those are my sentiments for the next three months.

I'm going to be a quarter of a century next month. Gross. I don't mean that. It could be gross. I could look my age, or older. I could have an excess of responsibilities. There are people my age who are already divorced. I've got my shit somewhat together, and first years at school think I'm cute. I can't really complain. I'm also going to have pretty much the best birthday weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm not liking this paragraph business anymore. I do enjoy lists. Here is a list of other things I enjoy:

- free parking
- 'The Buried Life'
- chemistry labs
- Tom Petty
- fall
- cats that DJ
- napping
- Taco Bell
- 'Dakota' by The Stereophonics
- board games
- making out
- camping
- 'Full Metal Jacket'
- red pandas

Actually, I'll leave off with a visual of that last one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

29AP. Glen, Please Read This

The title is fan service. HI GLEN - Kah Kaww your face!

Oh hi Mark. I mean blog. I always get your names confused. Sorry. Its been a long time since we've seen each other. So long in fact, that my llama has grown a beard.

I don't know if you noticed, but in the blog's title where there is usually only one letter (signifying the author), there are two. This is because it is being co-written. Co-operatively written. By the both of us.

Yup the both of us. Amanda here. I had to interject because if I left this entire entry to Patrick, it would take an eternity to complete. In two minutes, he already got distracted with iTunes twice, once to play 'Come Together' for all of three seconds.

Did not. Kay, write that. How I just said it. Period. Geez, Amanda. Ok, I did. but whatever. Anyways, if you haven't already guessed, the type in italics is Amanda and bold is Patrick. Me.

On to business. Blog business. Amanda and I have been relatively busy since the last time we blogged. And by relatively, I mean relative to a hermit without contact with the outside world. There has been a LOT of Pokémon.

Did anyone notice that Patrick started a sentence with 'and'? Hmmm. As he said above, we've been super busy. Since we last blogged I got a job, and accidentally quit.

And by accidentally, she means she misused the words "I'm done!" (Fuck you, Amanda. I'll start sentences with 'and' if I fucking want. Fuck.)

Patrick just hit the resonant frequency of his teeth by humming. Anyways, we've just been busy, okay? I start school this week. Patrick starts work this week. He is also playing his first show with his new band, 'The Off Motive'. While he is playing his set, I will unfortunately be four and a half hours north picking out which room I will hang myself from this coming semester.

Room 133, probably.

Yeah, I'm playing our first show. Its an acoustic set at University of Toronto's Frosh week, and we're headlining the night. Kind of a big deal. *Flips scarf around neck.*

Just so everyone knows, I've been listening to this band right from the beginning, before any of you had even heard of them. I listen to them while wearing my American Apparel t-shirts, which now have a market value of probably 50 cents since they have filed for bankruptcy. This is a huge ordeal for me, I don't know if you can tell, and it has been adding to my suicidal tendencies.

Ps. She's not suicidal. Just a little frustrated. Like Bono when he isn't allowed upstairs.

Bono is Amanda's cat, and I'm very allergic to him. So he's not allowed upstairs when I'm here. Safety reasons. I sneeze like an Airbender.

Fuck Macs. These keys are horseshit. We're typing this up on Patrick's laptop, and it's one of those horrible metallic things with a glowing apple on the top. Shiny metallic. You know who probably uses one of these?

And I am perfectly okay with that. Also:

I'm feeling really conflicted right now, because my cat is downstairs meowing up a storm, and it's breaking my heart. But if I let him up here, Patrick might DIE. I'm not sure what's worse. FARKLE! My mom's gone to NYC for a few days, so I invited that boy to come stay with me.


So other than the whole job/band situation for me and the lack of job situation for Amanda, and the whole Pokémon situation- oh right.

I almost forgot. Amanda has recently started Pokémon Pearl Version for the DS. She's doing quite well for herself, considering I spent a decent portion of two days breeding the right eggs for her with rad movesets. What up, Abra with Energy Ball and Pichu with Iron Tail? You know what's a pain to make? An Absol with Megahorn. Golly.

Ok. All this Pokémon talk has gotten me in the mood to battle.

Bitch, IT'S ON.