Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, some people have been doing this '30 Days of Gaming' thing on Facebook. Basically each day there's a gaming related question for you to answer. I was going to take part in it myself, but soon realized that not all the questions listed were ones that were applicable to my gaming. I would have never labelled myself as a gamer, but I think I'm just really picky when it comes to the video games I like. A few of the questions had to do with scenes, and to be honest, I hate most video games with scenes. Not all of them, but a lot. If I wanted to sit through long, dramatic scenes, I'd watch a movie. I like games that are go, go, go. Not to mention some have the WORST dialogue. Like Halo. Ugh. Anyways, instead of taking part in the '30 Days of Gaming', I figured I would answer the questions applicable to me in a blog.

Very first video game:

Super Mario Brothers. No one should be too surprised by this. There's a good chance that if you were born in the '80s, this was your first game. It comes with Duck Hunt. I was pretty excited.

Your favorite character:

Link. Legend of Zelda was my second video game. Link is all-around cool. He has rad weapons, and mad skills. I really enjoy that he has no dialogue. And let's not forget his outfit. It is wildly speculated that he's wearing a tunic. I don't believe this. That's a dress. You don't wear tights and a belt with a tunic, and someone with hair as awesome as Link's would know that.

Honorable mention: Pikachu. I fell in love with him when I started playing Super Smash Bros. He's the cutest ever.

A game that is underrated:

Killer Instinct. C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Honestly, this game is so much fun. It's my favorite fighting game. It was orginally an arcade game, but was released on SNES. The cheats are really cool, and the characters are so random and ridiculous.

Your guilty pleasure game:

Mappy. This game is like cocaine. I should note that this is an arcade game, and to my knowledge has never been released on a gaming system, but whatever. I play it online all the time. The graphics are terrible, and the game itself is really nothing special, but it is quite addicting.

Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were):

I wish I was Spyro. This may be linked to the fact that when I was little and thought I could literally be anything I wanted when I grew up, I wanted to be a dragon. Spyro is the dragon of all dragons. Being able to fly around and breathe both fire and ice is beyond awesome.

Also, Krystal from Starfox, cause she's a fox with huge boobs.

Most annoying character:

For someone who has been told they have the tolerance of a toddler, I am actually not overly annoyed by any gaming character. At least not to the point that I would turn the game off. However, Lakitu from the Mario Brothers games is super irritating. I hate being followed as it is, without having harmful objects thrown at me.

Favorite game couple:

Nathan and Elena from Uncharted. They're adorable, and their chemistry is pure love.

Gaming system of choice:

I'm old school. I could survive with a NES. I bought a DS last year, and it's really neat. I also enjoy the Wii a lot. I wouldn't say I play many games on Sony systems, and I think Xboxes are the devil.

A game everyone should play:

I mean, all the games I'm listing here are ones I enjoy, and would therefore suggest that people play. So I'll go with ones I think everyone would enjoy, and say Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.

A game you've played more than five times:

Kirby's Dream Land. Probably close to 20 times. It was my favorite game on Game Boy.

Current gaming wallpaper:

Post a screenshot from the game you're playing right now:

Picture of game setting you wish you lived in:

This one was hard to choose. I was going to say Sonic the Hedgehog, cause everything is so industrial looking, and I love those things you can go upside down on. Starfox was in outerspace, which would also be very cool. But because of its colourfulness, I'm going to have to go with Katamari.

Favorite genre:

I don't really know if I have a favorite genre. I'm really not big on shooter games, but other than that, I would say I enjoy any genre. It usually just depends on the game itself.

Favorite classic game:

Any Atari game. I still play these games online all the time. Asteroids is probably my favorite. Also, Tetris.

A game you plan on playing:

Pokemon Black and White, as it is coming out in less than a month. For games that are already out, I plan on getting through the Final Fantasy franchise.

A game you thought you wouldn't like, but ended up loving:

Guitar Hero. I could not play this to save my life the first few times I picked it up. Now I play on medium. Actually, I prefer Rock Band. I enjoy being able to pick songs I love and rock out on the drums, and pretend I'm Taylor Hawkins or Mathew Hyland. By far the best party game.

Your favorite game of all time:

Super Mario Brothers 3. I haven't played this in forever, but I remember it being my absolute favorite.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

36P. Who needs a real education these days anyways?

University of Toronto finally has a program I'd take!