Thursday, June 3, 2010

22P. Oh, Blog.

It appears as if I've neglected the blog for quite some time. My co-blogger Amanda has recently posted, and now, so am I.

If you read her latest post, you'd have known that she and I have been playing old school Pokemon games on emulators. She's got Red, I've got Blue. This pass-time of ours has been the most effective blog deterrent since "Man, I'm hungry. Off to soosh!".

But to be honest, it's not just Pokemon that has me distracted. I've been watching Bleach.
No, not that kind of Bleach. The TV show. Yes, its an anime. Yes the protagonist's hair is oddly coloured and very spiky. Yes he's unnaturally powerful. But the thing that sets this show apart from the others is reliability. I've yet to watch one bad episode. No, really. Even with entire sections of the show being filler that wasn't included in the original comics. Anyways, count 138 episodes watched so far at 20 minutes a piece. That's almost 2 full days worth of watching, spread out over 2 weeks. I figure I should write a post on Bleach, but I'll do that after I've finished watching all the episodes that have been dubbed. I really hate subtitled anime.

Oh, silly me. I've left out the most distracting thing of all.


Yes, that's right. A job. Where one works in exchange for money. And boy, is it the sweetest job ever. If you're ever in Burlington, (Ontario, for those who don't already know) and have been down Lakeshore, you'd have to have noticed the big orange metal thing that kind of looks like this:
Well, sort of. At any rate, it's outside of the Burlington Art Centre. That's where I work. And where I'm headed right now. Segue to an ending!

TO THE BUS! *Trumpet Fanfare*

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