Tuesday, June 8, 2010

23A. Facefuck

Oh Facebook...we have a love/hate relationship. To be honest, the things that irritate me most about Facebook aren't about the site itself, but the things people do on it. Some just absolutely floor me. Like the self-taken webcam photos. I don't want to lump these all into one category - some are taken in fun, with friends, those Macbook photo booths, and whatnot. But it's the ones where you know the girl just spent an hour doing hair and make-up, just so she can take narcissistic photos of herself. I mean, we ALL choose to put good photos of ourselves as our profile pics. I get it. But if you're playing photo shoot with yourself to try and get one good shot, you're just a ridiculous human being. Guys never seem to do this. They also don't crop their friends out of photos. This has gotten a little less common since FB started, but some people still do it, and it really GRINDS MY GEARS.
Another one of my favorites are people who
vaguebook. I've recently deleted someone from my friends list because his statuses were out of hand. If you are addressing one specific person and you're not mentioning their name, then that's something you should be speaking to the person about, not advertising it. The worst is when people put "...is sad :(" or any other sort of emotion that would have "friends" inquire why the person feels that way. Then there's this other guy on mine whose relationship status changes once a month. He's never with a girl longer than three weeks, so why bother changing it. "Oh, this one's going to last!" Fuck off.

On a less negative note, I love Galen Weston. I'm actually considering e-mailing him, and asking him to come BBQ some PC burgers at my house. Let's face it; my true weakness is tall and lean guys in their 30s, who wear glasses. My favorite of course being this man;

This is probably one of my favorite photos of him. I've recently decided I need to take up guitar so that I can learn every song he has ever made. Some user on youtube uploaded a ton of demos Matt had done on his own with a tape recorder in the early '90s. He actually didn't learn guitar until he was 20. Okay, I have to stop here.

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