Tuesday, May 18, 2010

16P. I wanna smash them all!

I haven't blogged since Friday. It's been far too long.

If you have me on Facebook, which you probably do if you're reading this, you may have noticed that I'm not Patrick Fahey right now. I'm Jenny Lewis. It's caused mass confusion, and I've even been hit on by some of the guys on there that "didn't recognize me" or "didn't know where we met" and the like. Its kind of depressing, but hilarious at the same time. This shall continue for the next little while. I've yet to milk it for all its worth.

I can't say this blog is going to be very interesting. At all. I mean, all I've done is eat a lot of sushi and look for a job. Both are becoming increasingly hard, since I'm running out of money pretty quickly, and jobs are super scarce in Burlington. I've got a few leads and I'm kind of excited about them. I'll keep you posted when I get a job.

On another note, I saw Allison Weiss last night. She sang for me. Well, me, a room full of people, and the internet.

She livecasted her set on Girltour2010 online at www.allisonweiss.tv. She was awesome. Played my favourite songs, had a party, and brought along two other lovely girls. Uh... Lauren Zettler and Laila something. Fuck. I feel like a failure for not knowing her name.

Either way, rad show, and I'm definitely checking out the next one.

Patrick, out.

For now.

PS. Here's a drawing of THE AVID. For those who get it, I miss Billy B.

OK. Done fo reals. WAIT WAIT WAIT. I hate formatting on Blogger. It's annoying. OK NOW I'M DONE BYE!

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