Tuesday, May 11, 2010

6P. Rachel Yamagata

I have been developing obscure crushes since I was 10. If you ask any friend or member of my family, they will tell you I have the oddest taste in women. These crushes usually come in cycles, where I will obsess over one for a while, before moving onto another. For the past half-hour, it has been Rachel Yamagata.

Rachel is an indie musician, known for having her songs featured in many TV shows, including Grey's Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother. She's a Japanese-American who's lived in Washington, DC, and New York City, as well as Chicago where she started as the vocalist for the funk-fusion band "Bumpus". Now, let it be known, I had no idea who she was until I started looking up attractive female artists so I could parody Amanda's post. I actually don't know what the word "sublety" means, and it's safe to say I will be over this after I get my own laugh about it. However, I am a guy who likes to stay in the know, and I feel that as I get older, I should be looking for females who share a common talent for music that I can stalk, and that's something I should definitely keep myself informed on.

Honestly, I just googled "eclectic female musicians" and the was in one of the first page's results. Brief and straight to the point: this is entirely a way to pass the time until I get dinner. We're going to Red Lobster for my sister's birthday. Besides this, it is in my opinion, that Amanda needs to stop crushing on Stock guys from the paper and gingers that snowboard... or gingers in general. I'm sorry If I just alienated some of our readers. I'm sure you're all nice people.

So, Rachel Yamagata, next time you're in my neck of the woods (that being Ontario at all, because I'll show up), we should hang out. I'll even let you call the meeting a "date". Talk to my people.

I'm too lazy to find Rachel's Twitter, if she even has one.

- P.

1 comment:

  1. Because of this post Patrick - and it's lack of originality - I have decided to only read Amanda's posts. That is all. :)
